Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Adults Mental Health Support

Please fill out this survey and help us refresh the website

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough’s flagship mental health signposting and support website ( has been active since 2016, providing reliable advice and signposting to mental health support available both locally and across the country.  The site is very popular and has thousands of hits every month with the number constantly growing. The need for a trusted local guide to find out about different mental health symptoms and illnesses and where to go to find services has never been greater.  

To help shape this refresh project, mental health leads in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough are eager to learn from all residents about their current preferences for accessing mental health information and support. They are interested in knowing where people would look for advice and support on mental health symptoms and illnesses, and how they would find out about what mental health services are available in their area and nationally.

Here is the link to the survey:

Here is the QR Code:Keep Your Head Refresh QR Code

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time. If you would prefer to share your views over the phone instead, kindly contact before 30th July 2023 to arrange a time and date to take part.

Your feedback will inform the refresh of the website and enable the team to develop an improved all-age, single point of access mental health website, with advice, information and signposting to mental health services and support in the region and highlight recent updates, changes and useful activities.

Managed by The SUN Network