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Local services and organisations: Getting advice and signposting

It is important to keep up to date with services and organisations. We do acknowledge the transient nature of local offers but a list of local support available to children and young people is on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is below.

Medical services:

General practitioner surgery where the child or young person is registered

GP out of hours 111.

NB Call 111 and press option 2 for the First Response Service - a 24-hour service for people in a mental health crisis. This service is for anyone, of any age, who is registered with a GP in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough.

Emotional health and wellbeing practitioner team. ( EHWP)

This team is part of the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service (EHWS) which covers Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Advice, guidance and signposting in relation to the emotional health and wellbeing needs of Children and Young People. Part of the EHWP’s role is to support professionals from education settings, GPs and Social Care ‘system navigate’ around the complex network of support available to children and young people with emotional and mental health needs.

Age groups. 5-17

Referral method- Professional. The team operates a duty system, offering telephone/MS TEAMS support

Contact (for professionals only)

Type of support - clinical

Other information. The team do not case hold. The EHWP is a multi-disciplinary team, with staff from a variety of professions, including School Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Paediatric Nursing, Health Visiting, and Social Work.

Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

The YOUnited Referral Hub for CAMHS  ( Child and adolescent mental health services)

This is a single point of contact and referral for young people who are registered with a GP in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and requires the young person’s consent.

Age groups-   Children and young people with mental health or emotional wellbeing needs up to the age of 17 years (or 18 years for those referred with a suspected eating disorder or with a neurodevelopmental diagnosis) (or 25 years for referrals to Centre 33).

Referral method    Professional

YOunited referral hub operates during working hours (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday)

Contact number for professionals only for discussion and consultation of non-crisis referrals: 0300 3000 830

Referral form can be found here:

Type of support clinical .  Includes Advice and guidance

Other information The partner agencies of the hub are CPFT, Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust, Centre 33 and the Ormiston Trust. The hub triages and screens all referrals based on risk, clinical mental health needs and impact on functioning. The referrals are moved through the Hub by using the National Thrive model for pathways of support.

School nursing and health visiting.

( Cambridgeshire and Peterborough 0-19 Healthy child programme )

Chat Health 

A confidential free text messaging service for young people

Age groups  11-19.

Referral method self referral. Simply text 07480 635 443 to start a conversation

Type of support clinical . Confidential advice from trained staff.

Other information   Run by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthy Child Programme, the service is available Monday to Friday between: 9.30am to 4.00pm.

The School Nursing Service

Age group 0-19

Referral method.  Self referral and professional referral

Peterborough - 01733 746822 or

Cambridgeshire - 0300 029 5050 or

Type of support provides confidential advice and support to all children, young people, and their carers in a variety of settings.

Other information Every School has access to a named practitioner within the school nurse team who work in partnership with children, parents, carers, health professionals and teachers, promote and maintain good health of all school children, and support a child’s specific health needs.

The Early Help Hub

The Cambridgeshire Early Help Hub provides a single telephone line, operating during office hours, providing advice and information for professionals about local services. They can offer guidance about accessing services, and signpost to self-help resources. Contact the team on: 01480 376 666 or

(Open 9am – 5.20pm Monday to Thursday, Friday 9am -4:20pm).

The Peterborough Early Help Service provides a dedicated Early Help telephone line, operating during office hours, providing advice and information for professionals about local services. They can offer guidance about accessing services, and signpost to self-help resources. Contact the service on the Peterborough Early Help helpline number on: 01733 863649 or email

(Open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday)

The MASH multi- agency safeguarding hub.

Provides consultation and advice to agency referrers about thresholds, appropriate actions and outcomes.  Provides signposting for locality services, voluntary agencies and organisations

Referral Cambridgeshire County Council: 0345 045 5203 or complete a referral online. Report abuse of a child – Cambridgeshire County Council

Peterborough City Council: 0345 045 5203 or complete a referral online Report abuse of a child – Peterborough City Council

Emergency Duty Team (Out of Hours) 01733 234724

Centre 33

Centre 33 operates a range of services from free counselling and support to information on sexual health, housing, budgeting and also a young carers’ project. It runs out of 5 main centres over 6 days a week and works with 1000’s of young people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough every year. Free and confidential advice and signposting on a wide range of practical and emotional issues

Age groups up to age 25

Referral method   Self - referral. Call, message or email during opening hours.

0333 4141809/

Drop in hubs in Cambridge Tuesdays - Fridays 12-5pm, or in Ely Tuesdays 1-5pm

Type of support – clinical and non-clinical

Other information   Centre 33 is a partner agency of the Younited Hub   

Professional referral via the YOUnited hub

YMCA Trinity Group

YMCA Trinity Group work across Cambridgeshire & Suffolk and are part of the world’s largest youth charity.

It provides a range of support in schools across all areas of mental health

Services that fit into the Getting Advice section include advice through telephone or face to face consultations with professionals or drop-ins with young people.  They also support with whole school wellbeing assessments and strategies.

Age groups – 5+, including adults

Referral method – professional (web form)

Type of support – clinical and non-clinical (in-school)

Other information - Flexible provision either face to face or using online/telephone platforms as agreed.
Wrap around support including drop-ins and advice can be provided through their day rate service or on a sessional basis through their credit system.
They are registered with the BACP and are included in the approved list of alternative education providers.


Fullscope is a consortium of leading organisations supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Cambridgeshire.

It comprises, Arts and Minds, Blue Smile, Cambridge curiosity and Imagination, Centre 33, CPSL Mind, The Kite Trust, YMCA Trinity group.

Contact the website for further information and advice about the consortium.

Nessie - Supporting families of children who self-harm

Nessie is commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council to provide free support to families of children and young people who self-harm. Nessie offer:
  • Parent workshops across Cambridgeshire in schools, community settings and online
  • Parental peer support groups
  • Targeted 1-1 parent support;
  • Telephone and online parent support.
Nessie is a not-for-profit organisation providing easy access to arts therapies, counselling, support, training and supervision so that children, young people and their families can thrive. They provide support through partnering with local schools, county councils and community organisations. Parents can also reach out to them directly.
Age groups Any
Referral method self - referral
For more information, please contact or visit Cambridgeshire Parents - NESSie IN ED, CIC

Kite Trust

Free information, support and groups for LGBTQ+ young people in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and surrounding areas.

Age groups   5-25

Referral method   self -referral   by emailing and Tel: 01223 369508

Type of support   clinical and non-clinical

Other information   Provides social groups for 11-18s and 16-25s in-person around Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, online social groups and creative & leadership opportunities. Offer one-off or a series of individual support sessions on a case-by-case basis. The Youth Work team are available to support schools and colleges to establish and develop school/college-based LGBTQ+ plus allies student groups - this service may be chargeable.


Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service

CASUS is an NHS service which provides information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire around drug and alcohol use to young people and their families.

Age groups up to 18

Referral method  Professional and self-referral

Professional referrals can be made using Early Help Assessment or the CASUS Referral Form.

CASUS Referral Forms can be downloaded from the website.

Young people can  refer themselves over the phone.

Telephone:01480 445316(Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)

Type of support. Clinical and non- clinical

Other information

For more information see

Pinpoint Cambridgeshire:

Pinpoint is the Parent Carer Forum for Cambridgeshire. As a parent carer forum, it enables the Local Authority to fulfil its statutory requirement to listen, engage and work together with parent carers for the benefit of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Age groups Pre – school up to 25years.

Referral method   Self referral and professional

Type of support    Non clinical    Peer support, advice and   information

Other Information   Provides information and signposts parents and carers to the services best suited to help them with their child’s needs


All local authorities working with their partners must publish information about how children and young people 0 - 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported in their area. This is known as the local offer.  The local offer includes information on universal services that are available to everyone, such as schools, GPs, (universal services).

Stars Children’s Bereavement Support Services

Age groups   4-19

Referral method Self - referral, Professional Referral, Information only.  via the form on the website or contact Tel 01223 863511/

Referrals from Peterborough for young people aged 13 and above can be made to Centre 33

Type of support   clinical and non- clinical

Other information This free service provides bereavement support counselling for children and young people aged 4-19 both pre-bereavement and post-bereavement, and telephone advice to families and schools supporting children and young people experiencing or facing close bereavement.

Other bereavement services

Bereavement services

Keep your head

This leaflet lists the main services across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area that offer support for people who have lost a loved one.  

In Cambridgeshire and Peterborough families who are affected by suicide will be offered support from the post-suicide bereavement service shortly after the death.

  • Help is at Hand booklet - Booklet giving practical support and guidance after someone may have died by suicide
  • Walk With Us toolkit - A toolkit for supporting Children, Young People and Families bereaved by suicide
  • On The Go - Online modules of suicide bereavement training, delivered by Suicide Bereavement UK

To help professionals in responding to these tragic events, colleagues in South Yorkshire have recently launched a new toolkit for those who support children, young people and families bereaved by suicide. You can download a copy HERE.


This resource is reliant on information provided to us by organisations and partners at the time of writing, therefore the level of detail and accuracy varies across services and some may be missed. We recommend visiting the webpage of a service directly should you require further information.
